My Pray to My Respected readers
1. Ode to my White Swan
I see swans hovering over the sea, long neck shorter than his feet,
Coming from the north crossing swamps, smashes and shallow lakes
Bubbling blown in waters, duet songs more cute than singer’s beat,
An echo in silence, all night birds, and her sensual sound awakes
Floating in the streams, flying in the airs with heavenly grace,
Black bill and black feet, long neck to search hidden food,
Roots, shoots of seas and lakes of Columbia River Region,
In winter leave the place for mating in erotic mood,
Roaming over mountains and vales to find a resting place,
For the next generation but in winter problems face
I see all in day dream through my poetic vision
How swans putting their necks down into the deep seas,
Bring food for self from below; it is due to strong long neck,
No fear of weather, no fear of warm or cool breeze,
Long bills and wings but enhance beauty bill speck,
Long necks for searching hidden foods under seas or waters
Of coastlines or estuaries, it exposes their mysteries nature,
Searching for mysterious foods hidden in watery plains
And eat searched foods, the same for their creature,
Their bills, wings and long necks heavenly entablature
How to trace secret food in lakes with garters,
And be winter or summer their efforts go never in vain
I compare my gentle Lady with a love-neck cute swan,
Searched me on earth for her pretty being for pleasure,
To guard her image copy late night and early dawn,
I call her the trumpeter of love and peace in leisure.
Her love hovers over my head morn, noon and night,
Flying to me far away on the pretty wings of love,
More faster than any swan O God her sensual flight,
More pretty her being for me a gift from the above,
Cute lips and wild eyes, body zigzag removes my plight,
Five feet and nine inches, my ladylove’s height
2. Ode to Pleasure
Spring comes and spreads pleasure among birds and beasts:
The renewal of life circle changes feelings and emotions,
Women arrange erotic dance and men receive feats.
Angels smile from the sky the children play game,
Ladies go for bill and coo with lovers in park,
And graceful moments may be seen everywhere:
Air birds chirp while flying babies smile watching lark,
Eyes attract eyes, and heart, heart does tame,
Thus here on this earth is written men’s future aim
Wearing colored dress women roam for affair
What is pleasure? Birds and beasts know it not,
But they feel pleasure in cool breeze how they discern,
They are happy, the watchers say, sitting on the beach cot,
Pleasure does nothing but we each good or bad lot earn,
The foolish enjoy pleasures here like agile sparrows,
Flying away from home and due to hunger their fall,
Or escape from weather lash the eagles catch and swallow,
The crow’s mother teaches to her kids since crawl.
But the fawns’ kids are preyed in day with arrows.
As unseen beauty dies with smell of a cute jungle rose
Wisdom teaches the wise on earth, never pleasure follows
O God! Take pleasure form this earth behind it immortal pain
Pleasure comes in veil of pleasure to give men woes
And grief to the foolish and on earth wisdom to slain
I find pleasure, my love, but will-slave, known by one or two
What is life? Nothing, but like a drop in seas soon,
Like beauty, my Swan, for short time, on earth I find
Think in lone, My Dear, woes and grief a heavenly gift:
In different shape I find pleasures on earth me remind,
Leave pleasure songs and weal and woe here croon,
The essence of wisdom as to the fruits the light of moon,
Here woes, there pleasure, why? Woe and wisdom rift
5. Ode to Being
The refine piece of Elements: Eve’s and Adam’s son,
Just flesh, bone and body and heart not its running force,
To search for the body secrets, all physicians’ fun,
But none knows the physical, psyche and souls course.
Matter comes from earth, spirit from stars and soul from God,
These powers work in men and control human actions,
Angels push images, images push mind to do right or wrong,
Wisdom guides to goal ignoring right or wrong reactions,
All deeds are written in dots, with a golden mighty rod,
Hanging around the neck invisible, our deeds in pod,
Cannot be erased by time and space, we vermin ding-dong.
What is being in human being? A golden book of deeds,
Its writers more might in writing thoughts, feelings and emotions
If we sow good deeds on earth, how can we reap there weeds?
Silence rules the universe freely, that day all commotions,
Being weeps in being, in vain hearts, ears and eyes,
Ears to listen, eyes to see, and heart to make decisions,
Wisdom judges their calls; images push men to do,
Something right and wrong all printed on the visions.
Reason cannot inspire action, but done but our hot cries,
Goodness prolongs life on earth, badness calls for surmise.
One day all will see with eyes on earth who was true?
Neither being is wisdom, or concepts, or a solid reason,
It is God’ voice in men, not a part of God’s being.
Its nature is elastic, we shrink it is our open treason,
None thinks over it while all men are blindly seeing.
Promise achievement its up and down graph, lie dries its root
Being saves men from hell and close to paradise
Being makes men human being as the tailor makes men.
The fools ignore his being on earth but care all wise.
When its graph goes up all earthly beings salute,
He flies to heaven freely wearing being’s golden boot,
And see all things great or small as with her small eyes hen

6. Ode to My Lady
My heart sighs looking at your half refusing eyes,
To turn down heavenly love, but do keep in mind,
Those who hate men die virgin with sorrows and sighs,
Taking beauty in grave, leaving no print behind.
Living day and night in dream one day makes you mad
The world is full of woe and grief, someday leave your copy
Even parents, brothers, sisters, and your being downcast,
Wrinkles on your pretty face and on your front floppy
Time prints its finger prints your being be no glad,
Your being will weep for ever will be very bad,
Copy of your being darling; your left and right mast
Even every beast and bird leaves their copies on the earth,
To maintain their species to save the next generation,
Saving life to save life, essential is for running hearth,
If no print on earth is left, a symbol of elation.
Alone remains Devil or Deity they are by birth alone.
Beyond the shadows of death but not human being,
We are born to die here, to save her self-flesh
Marriage is the right course, precious years are fleeing,
Think not what I said, but rethink and change thinking tone,
Day by day moving loses its weight a heavy stone.
Make your mind a fresh lake pretty, not a stagnant mesh
Cupid weeps in her temple, no print of her being among the ma
Once I saw in trance, asking her lot from the Angels,
Why weeping in my wit, no copy of my being in high class,
My beauty breeds nothing, useless my being at all angles.
O my Swan, you find Swan Love that loves once in life,
If death separates one then the other does never wed,
Till his death and he never unlocks his locked throat
Think my Swan, think in lone, to share someone’s bed
Have a tour of the world is with less glee and more woe rife
Lonesome bits heart and suck blood with solitary knife
Let us make love images we have found love in love-pot

7. Ode to Faithfulness
I found you not on earth, not in men’s and women’s heart,
Where have you been? Loyal people are searching for you,
Neither you in palace, nor in brothel, nor in women’s love cart?
Being deceived in search of you, who are most true;
What is darkness? Nothing but it light absence shows,
Where there is no light, there darkness prevails,
Then all colors fade, wits fail, none can recognize
Faces of men and women, friends and foes invisible but wails
Bleeding from the injured feet, no difference in thorns and rose,
Men cannot see images; wisdom light comes and goes,
And all in a lake of ignorance and everywhere cries
Faithfulness; a heavenly light, hellish wrath is gloom,
Knowledge kid loyalty disloyalty; an illicit child of ignorance
Greed is its eldest kid and the cause of wisdom doom
We cannot make difference between right and wrong failing sense
Faithfulness; another form of love, O disloyalty you more chary,
Creeps into men’s and lovers’ heart, like a snake in earthly hole,
Just like greed enters into eyes and on his heart she sits.
At the navel-spot, none its presence, none knows it goal,
Shutting wisdom light window opens greed window you wary,
Now greed rules wisdom kingdom and greed will tarry.
Slowly and slowly switches of senses failing all our wits
I have found you, loyalty, now stop your hide and seek,
Living in beasts and birds, even in all cute cannibals,
O Loyalty! Your being unseen, but visible for the meek,
I leave human hearts, no peace, every time ringing greed bells,
Now I live among the flowers and sometimes in babies’ chest,
In mothers’ hearts, but left completely the heart of a whore,
But constant stay in the heart of a horse and a dog
But people find me in beauty, they are foolish more
Their eyes, their tongues and their hearts create unrest
And all day and night live among the beauty pest,
Now I live not among the belles and have flown like fog

9. Ode to Artemis
I, sitting on the Norway beach, my Swan’s image in eyes floating
Cool breeze running fast, gleeful waves playing with the moon,
Singing larks over the sea, with their mothers little kids boating,
In moonlit in the trees, night cuckoos and nightingales croon,
Swimming fishes wavy dance, in moonlight blue waves,
I saw mermaid singing in moonlit with happy merman,
Lovers’ with beloveds boating, slept couples on the beach,
A heart burning sight, I seem I had drunk henbane,
I in trance reached at once in the age of caves,
I saw sitting Artemis far away among the little cute babes,
She stood up and saluted me when I there reach.
I politely requested her parents to call for here Artemis,
I reached here from away on the wings of Poetic Muse,
Alas! Those who follow Artemis, men deprive of shiny kiss,
Among your followers, my Swan, Artemis, change your views,
Creation stops, nature weeps, and no beauty print behind,
Alter your mind and spreading among belles through Astral Light,
And met Swan in dream, cute more than you are on earth.
Cutes are loved or worshiped, but refusing mating her plight,
She loves kissing and hugging; Ah! With true love her bind,
Her serpentine and pink thinking on earth I do not find,
It is her self-conceit, God does not award it on her birth
Her blonde cheeks, her soft lips, her wild eyes and coral breast
Her delicate fingers wearing red rings and beaming chin,
Looking at them burning my soul, stone-hearted but agile
Like a sparrow, faithful like a horse but her wayward fin,
Stops her moving to the sea water and danger to be eaten,
By the whale of loneliness, in the sea loveless mass,
You Pythia make her understand, love, soul of life
Eyes see not sans light, you cannot stay sans love, Alas!
Because my Swan follows old track mostly beaten,
Their heavenly mind and heart turn into a stagnant fen,
There is a fighting in her bosom and in her soul strife

10. Ode to Muse
O Muse, come back visiting Euphrates, Tigris, Pishon and Gibon,
I need you more here, without delay, do reach in my closet,
Many colored visions are in my mind, alas! Come I moan,
My eyes cannot see clearly image phantoms, eyes are wet,
What are these phantoms? Soft desires or soft wayward trends,
Rebellious notions against promise or newly born dark desires
Appearing under word-veil, of duck and can be seen,
Dim oath-light, around me sighs, fear, no smoke without fire
Something wrong in heart, intention peeps through eyes, friends,
Wisdom peeps through words, the soul motion, child apprehends
Heart burns with moan, eyes weep, my Lady what does it mean?
Come and take me like a spook to my Lady’s dressing room,
That exposes her thinking, living style, and make up worldly hope
Writing style her secret will, fiery Cupid eyes, peeping gloom,
Her see-through dress, cares and cards, her cute body mop,
Her wrinkled shirt and trousers, cares and her night gown,
Parts display room, daily food supply, and her fingers’ rings
Her beauty box making her cute mo by mo, in dim light,
Soft pillowed face, breast touching bed, sitting on Muse wings,
I awake her from sound kip softly sleeping upsides down,
Her glowing cheeks spreading rays, like Norway morn town,
I lullaby her kipping body awoke feeling my hands delight
Change me into a notion and let me enter in her tender heart,
O Muse while napping, I read her wills and wishes with calm,
I taste her trends in lone, her eyes sweet and red lips tart,
Her cheeky cheeks, her Cupid eyes, and my manly touching palm,
Her delicate fingers holding pizza in a stylish plate
Her smooth body, like a cedar, releasing love rays her phony
Onion, tomato, chilly ginger enhancing burnt pizza grace,
Her erotic eyes arousing mood and her thighs increasing weight
Her back smart, her eyes wild, and her soft thighs, bony,
More cute she looks O God! Making on her head a love pony,
Tell me her secrets of heart, her sincerity; her kind love base
3. Ode to Beauty
What is being in human being? What can you tell?
How gem drops fall from the sky into the snail shell,
Can anyone tell why babies smile looking to the sky?
Why whales dance in seas up and down well?
Why partridges fly to moon? Why babies cry?
In the airy waves and build their next on mountains high
Can anyone tell which melts meat in stomach fire or heat?
And why larks day and night over the stormy sea beat?
Tiny birds prey to eat or they eat air in the air
Who makes images in our minds? Or where lays fire in peat?
Nor can men expose in lips, in eyes or from where comes glare?
Nose our need, tongue liberty, and its function is to care.
All things cute on earth; birds, beasts and men: God’s monuments.
Yea! Man a mini cosmos to conjure Elements and its running trends,
For coming generation to expose the mystery of Hell and Heaven,
None can peep into the wisdom dark cave but the wise comprehends.
Why goes to seas to find gems crying a mountain raven
Nothing is known to this secret all men in six and seven.
What a beauty? A choiced image of lover in his own mind,
By hook or by crook steal or snatch at last they do find.
Where in men and women, beats of birds is clearly seen,
But all those on earth to men and women all are kind.
All images of God’s are perfect, all colors white, red and green
No color no beauty in men and women but our eyes glean
4. Ode to Sleep
Sleep, more precious gift of heaven earthly being,
The daughter of heaven spreads her wings to heal woo,
Of laborious days that are swiftly, swiftly fleeing,
The sun comes and goes and writes our bill and coo.
The sleep lovers are sensuous like sparrow and remain,
In the world of self deceit, just lying not sleep,
Posing like a sleeper, soul leaves body but futile,
To color the images, and images in images in creep;
Nothing come out of images, dreams are in vain.
Dreams print no copy of being, except cheat brain,
Wisdom cries, heart weeps, none to each other loyal.
When images heap images and compel men to lay,
In valley of dream, where no woe but sole pleasure,
Where images walk all day, and no obstacle on the way
Senses stupefy drinking false image wine in leisure.
Right and left sleep means but sleeping upsides down,
Burns wisdom wings and make erotic image on the screen,
Of mind but no dice, for self and images make men ill,
No body, but of souls and snatches the crown of queen,
Shatter body, tear dress, wit and the royal crown,
When a virgin lays on bed wearing her night gown,
And roof watches her hip and face with poor will.
O Sleep! You do not sleep but the false images sleep.
You be not proud of sleeping men day and night,
What image-owners sow in day and in night they reap,
But the unriped images ripen in dream their sleep flight.
Sensuous images mar wisdom, and sleepy eyes make,
All day and night red, courage fail, sense loose and wit dull,
And erotic emotions prevail all night in soul
Faces wither, mind sensitive and image a skull,
No flesh, no freshness, because the images are fake.
It is the cause of soul illness; none can cure even Life Lake,
False images shatter soul and soul shatters our future goal.
What is being in human being? What can you tell?
How gem drops fall from the sky into the snail shell,
Can anyone tell why babies smile looking to the sky?
Why whales dance in seas up and down well?
Why partridges fly to moon? Why babies cry?
In the airy waves and build their next on mountains high
Can anyone tell which melts meat in stomach fire or heat?
And why larks day and night over the stormy sea beat?
Tiny birds prey to eat or they eat air in the air
Who makes images in our minds? Or where lays fire in peat?
Nor can men expose in lips, in eyes or from where comes glare?
Nose our need, tongue liberty, and its function is to care.
All things cute on earth; birds, beasts and men: God’s monuments.
Yea! Man a mini cosmos to conjure Elements and its running trends,
For coming generation to expose the mystery of Hell and Heaven,
None can peep into the wisdom dark cave but the wise comprehends.
Why goes to seas to find gems crying a mountain raven
Nothing is known to this secret all men in six and seven.
What a beauty? A choiced image of lover in his own mind,
By hook or by crook steal or snatch at last they do find.
Where in men and women, beats of birds is clearly seen,
But all those on earth to men and women all are kind.
All images of God’s are perfect, all colors white, red and green
No color no beauty in men and women but our eyes glean
4. Ode to Sleep
Sleep, more precious gift of heaven earthly being,
The daughter of heaven spreads her wings to heal woo,
Of laborious days that are swiftly, swiftly fleeing,
The sun comes and goes and writes our bill and coo.
The sleep lovers are sensuous like sparrow and remain,
In the world of self deceit, just lying not sleep,
Posing like a sleeper, soul leaves body but futile,
To color the images, and images in images in creep;
Nothing come out of images, dreams are in vain.
Dreams print no copy of being, except cheat brain,
Wisdom cries, heart weeps, none to each other loyal.
When images heap images and compel men to lay,
In valley of dream, where no woe but sole pleasure,
Where images walk all day, and no obstacle on the way
Senses stupefy drinking false image wine in leisure.
Right and left sleep means but sleeping upsides down,
Burns wisdom wings and make erotic image on the screen,
Of mind but no dice, for self and images make men ill,
No body, but of souls and snatches the crown of queen,
Shatter body, tear dress, wit and the royal crown,
When a virgin lays on bed wearing her night gown,
And roof watches her hip and face with poor will.
O Sleep! You do not sleep but the false images sleep.
You be not proud of sleeping men day and night,
What image-owners sow in day and in night they reap,
But the unriped images ripen in dream their sleep flight.
Sensuous images mar wisdom, and sleepy eyes make,
All day and night red, courage fail, sense loose and wit dull,
And erotic emotions prevail all night in soul
Faces wither, mind sensitive and image a skull,
No flesh, no freshness, because the images are fake.
It is the cause of soul illness; none can cure even Life Lake,
False images shatter soul and soul shatters our future goal.
The refine piece of Elements: Eve’s and Adam’s son,
Just flesh, bone and body and heart not its running force,
To search for the body secrets, all physicians’ fun,
But none knows the physical, psyche and souls course.
Matter comes from earth, spirit from stars and soul from God,
These powers work in men and control human actions,
Angels push images, images push mind to do right or wrong,
Wisdom guides to goal ignoring right or wrong reactions,
All deeds are written in dots, with a golden mighty rod,
Hanging around the neck invisible, our deeds in pod,
Cannot be erased by time and space, we vermin ding-dong.
What is being in human being? A golden book of deeds,
Its writers more might in writing thoughts, feelings and emotions
If we sow good deeds on earth, how can we reap there weeds?
Silence rules the universe freely, that day all commotions,
Being weeps in being, in vain hearts, ears and eyes,
Ears to listen, eyes to see, and heart to make decisions,
Wisdom judges their calls; images push men to do,
Something right and wrong all printed on the visions.
Reason cannot inspire action, but done but our hot cries,
Goodness prolongs life on earth, badness calls for surmise.
One day all will see with eyes on earth who was true?
Neither being is wisdom, or concepts, or a solid reason,
It is God’ voice in men, not a part of God’s being.
Its nature is elastic, we shrink it is our open treason,
None thinks over it while all men are blindly seeing.
Promise achievement its up and down graph, lie dries its root
Being saves men from hell and close to paradise
Being makes men human being as the tailor makes men.
The fools ignore his being on earth but care all wise.
When its graph goes up all earthly beings salute,
He flies to heaven freely wearing being’s golden boot,
And see all things great or small as with her small eyes hen

6. Ode to My Lady
My heart sighs looking at your half refusing eyes,
To turn down heavenly love, but do keep in mind,
Those who hate men die virgin with sorrows and sighs,
Taking beauty in grave, leaving no print behind.
Living day and night in dream one day makes you mad
The world is full of woe and grief, someday leave your copy
Even parents, brothers, sisters, and your being downcast,
Wrinkles on your pretty face and on your front floppy
Time prints its finger prints your being be no glad,
Your being will weep for ever will be very bad,
Copy of your being darling; your left and right mast
Even every beast and bird leaves their copies on the earth,
To maintain their species to save the next generation,
Saving life to save life, essential is for running hearth,
If no print on earth is left, a symbol of elation.
Alone remains Devil or Deity they are by birth alone.
Beyond the shadows of death but not human being,
We are born to die here, to save her self-flesh
Marriage is the right course, precious years are fleeing,
Think not what I said, but rethink and change thinking tone,
Day by day moving loses its weight a heavy stone.
Make your mind a fresh lake pretty, not a stagnant mesh
Cupid weeps in her temple, no print of her being among the ma
Once I saw in trance, asking her lot from the Angels,
Why weeping in my wit, no copy of my being in high class,
My beauty breeds nothing, useless my being at all angles.
O my Swan, you find Swan Love that loves once in life,
If death separates one then the other does never wed,
Till his death and he never unlocks his locked throat
Think my Swan, think in lone, to share someone’s bed
Have a tour of the world is with less glee and more woe rife
Lonesome bits heart and suck blood with solitary knife
Let us make love images we have found love in love-pot

7. Ode to Faithfulness
I found you not on earth, not in men’s and women’s heart,
Where have you been? Loyal people are searching for you,
Neither you in palace, nor in brothel, nor in women’s love cart?
Being deceived in search of you, who are most true;
What is darkness? Nothing but it light absence shows,
Where there is no light, there darkness prevails,
Then all colors fade, wits fail, none can recognize
Faces of men and women, friends and foes invisible but wails
Bleeding from the injured feet, no difference in thorns and rose,
Men cannot see images; wisdom light comes and goes,
And all in a lake of ignorance and everywhere cries
Faithfulness; a heavenly light, hellish wrath is gloom,
Knowledge kid loyalty disloyalty; an illicit child of ignorance
Greed is its eldest kid and the cause of wisdom doom
We cannot make difference between right and wrong failing sense
Faithfulness; another form of love, O disloyalty you more chary,
Creeps into men’s and lovers’ heart, like a snake in earthly hole,
Just like greed enters into eyes and on his heart she sits.
At the navel-spot, none its presence, none knows it goal,
Shutting wisdom light window opens greed window you wary,
Now greed rules wisdom kingdom and greed will tarry.
Slowly and slowly switches of senses failing all our wits
I have found you, loyalty, now stop your hide and seek,
Living in beasts and birds, even in all cute cannibals,
O Loyalty! Your being unseen, but visible for the meek,
I leave human hearts, no peace, every time ringing greed bells,
Now I live among the flowers and sometimes in babies’ chest,
In mothers’ hearts, but left completely the heart of a whore,
But constant stay in the heart of a horse and a dog
But people find me in beauty, they are foolish more
Their eyes, their tongues and their hearts create unrest
And all day and night live among the beauty pest,
Now I live not among the belles and have flown like fog

8. Ode to My Ladylove
I see heavy rain falling, and shining moon in the skies,
The night is calm and balmy, hail all around me hail;
I see the gliding star behind the moon and crazy night cries
Of dusky birds, singing what they sing my all wits fail,
The noise of falling rain reminds me of my Swan’s dews,
Falling from her silky hair, beaming in dim moon light,
Crazy love in her eyes, a pious thought in her bosom lies,
Moon lit falling on her breasts, enhancing my poet flight,
Her blonde hands and cheeks, do all Arehan confuse,
Her red lips make brighten black, does wonder the Muse.
Night pixy hovering over her head, watch the seven skies.
Rain stops, hail melting, cool breeze touching my cheeks,
Come my Swan and sit by me, with floating shiny hair,
The night still, cool cruise, and full all earthly creeks,
Most serene night, like Norway coast nice for love affair,
Come let us walk together, in this serene heavenly sight
See the erotic sight, the sea lawn and the playing waves,
With the moonlit in jolly mood, If you were here enjoy,
The beach, the waves, the moon, empowering hollow caves,
Your smiling face, yea! I see in sea water on my right,
Your colored rings, wearing soft fingers shine duck light,
And stay here for forever, and do not say the scene good bye
Alas! You away from, but in heart your presence I feel,
Yes your presence, in my tear mirror your face I see,
Beaming, alluring my lower hunger, but I do steal,
Your love silently like entering drops in a snail secretly,
Come, sweaty, come, the sight is inspiring for bill and coo,
The water throws snails to shore, all colored small and great,
Looks cute, dazzling in moonlit like your coral breast,
But your sweet love with me here, no, hard is my fate,
You miss a fine night and me, Sweet Darling is it true?
I miss you as Napoleon missed Clark in the war of loo,
Come close; come close my Swan, for love the sight is best
I see heavy rain falling, and shining moon in the skies,
The night is calm and balmy, hail all around me hail;
I see the gliding star behind the moon and crazy night cries
Of dusky birds, singing what they sing my all wits fail,
The noise of falling rain reminds me of my Swan’s dews,
Falling from her silky hair, beaming in dim moon light,
Crazy love in her eyes, a pious thought in her bosom lies,
Moon lit falling on her breasts, enhancing my poet flight,
Her blonde hands and cheeks, do all Arehan confuse,
Her red lips make brighten black, does wonder the Muse.
Night pixy hovering over her head, watch the seven skies.
Rain stops, hail melting, cool breeze touching my cheeks,
Come my Swan and sit by me, with floating shiny hair,
The night still, cool cruise, and full all earthly creeks,
Most serene night, like Norway coast nice for love affair,
Come let us walk together, in this serene heavenly sight
See the erotic sight, the sea lawn and the playing waves,
With the moonlit in jolly mood, If you were here enjoy,
The beach, the waves, the moon, empowering hollow caves,
Your smiling face, yea! I see in sea water on my right,
Your colored rings, wearing soft fingers shine duck light,
And stay here for forever, and do not say the scene good bye
Alas! You away from, but in heart your presence I feel,
Yes your presence, in my tear mirror your face I see,
Beaming, alluring my lower hunger, but I do steal,
Your love silently like entering drops in a snail secretly,
Come, sweaty, come, the sight is inspiring for bill and coo,
The water throws snails to shore, all colored small and great,
Looks cute, dazzling in moonlit like your coral breast,
But your sweet love with me here, no, hard is my fate,
You miss a fine night and me, Sweet Darling is it true?
I miss you as Napoleon missed Clark in the war of loo,
Come close; come close my Swan, for love the sight is best

9. Ode to Artemis
I, sitting on the Norway beach, my Swan’s image in eyes floating
Cool breeze running fast, gleeful waves playing with the moon,
Singing larks over the sea, with their mothers little kids boating,
In moonlit in the trees, night cuckoos and nightingales croon,
Swimming fishes wavy dance, in moonlight blue waves,
I saw mermaid singing in moonlit with happy merman,
Lovers’ with beloveds boating, slept couples on the beach,
A heart burning sight, I seem I had drunk henbane,
I in trance reached at once in the age of caves,
I saw sitting Artemis far away among the little cute babes,
She stood up and saluted me when I there reach.
I politely requested her parents to call for here Artemis,
I reached here from away on the wings of Poetic Muse,
Alas! Those who follow Artemis, men deprive of shiny kiss,
Among your followers, my Swan, Artemis, change your views,
Creation stops, nature weeps, and no beauty print behind,
Alter your mind and spreading among belles through Astral Light,
And met Swan in dream, cute more than you are on earth.
Cutes are loved or worshiped, but refusing mating her plight,
She loves kissing and hugging; Ah! With true love her bind,
Her serpentine and pink thinking on earth I do not find,
It is her self-conceit, God does not award it on her birth
Her blonde cheeks, her soft lips, her wild eyes and coral breast
Her delicate fingers wearing red rings and beaming chin,
Looking at them burning my soul, stone-hearted but agile
Like a sparrow, faithful like a horse but her wayward fin,
Stops her moving to the sea water and danger to be eaten,
By the whale of loneliness, in the sea loveless mass,
You Pythia make her understand, love, soul of life
Eyes see not sans light, you cannot stay sans love, Alas!
Because my Swan follows old track mostly beaten,
Their heavenly mind and heart turn into a stagnant fen,
There is a fighting in her bosom and in her soul strife

10. Ode to Muse
O Muse, come back visiting Euphrates, Tigris, Pishon and Gibon,
I need you more here, without delay, do reach in my closet,
Many colored visions are in my mind, alas! Come I moan,
My eyes cannot see clearly image phantoms, eyes are wet,
What are these phantoms? Soft desires or soft wayward trends,
Rebellious notions against promise or newly born dark desires
Appearing under word-veil, of duck and can be seen,
Dim oath-light, around me sighs, fear, no smoke without fire
Something wrong in heart, intention peeps through eyes, friends,
Wisdom peeps through words, the soul motion, child apprehends
Heart burns with moan, eyes weep, my Lady what does it mean?
Come and take me like a spook to my Lady’s dressing room,
That exposes her thinking, living style, and make up worldly hope
Writing style her secret will, fiery Cupid eyes, peeping gloom,
Her see-through dress, cares and cards, her cute body mop,
Her wrinkled shirt and trousers, cares and her night gown,
Parts display room, daily food supply, and her fingers’ rings
Her beauty box making her cute mo by mo, in dim light,
Soft pillowed face, breast touching bed, sitting on Muse wings,
I awake her from sound kip softly sleeping upsides down,
Her glowing cheeks spreading rays, like Norway morn town,
I lullaby her kipping body awoke feeling my hands delight
Change me into a notion and let me enter in her tender heart,
O Muse while napping, I read her wills and wishes with calm,
I taste her trends in lone, her eyes sweet and red lips tart,
Her cheeky cheeks, her Cupid eyes, and my manly touching palm,
Her delicate fingers holding pizza in a stylish plate
Her smooth body, like a cedar, releasing love rays her phony
Onion, tomato, chilly ginger enhancing burnt pizza grace,
Her erotic eyes arousing mood and her thighs increasing weight
Her back smart, her eyes wild, and her soft thighs, bony,
More cute she looks O God! Making on her head a love pony,
Tell me her secrets of heart, her sincerity; her kind love base
11. Ode to My Fair’s Passions
I have seen three passions in my Fair’s Front, Nose and Eyes,
Eyes showing sensual, front rational, and intellectual carrying nose,
They are soul properties and produced by her warm motions rise
Good or bad, like or dislike, honesty and dishonesty shows,
Just and unjust, true and false, nose dowry concupitive power of soul
My lady’s decencies, the perfect master piece of natural art,
A paragon of beauty on earth, all belles borrow beauty from ladylove,
But the mirror or the secret walls know her secret of heart,
My sorrows and sufferings, woe and grief burn me like a coal,
And weeps my heart bitterly, as a baby on his self broken doll,
But I listen to her voice let my hands go below and above,
Love, hate, like, dislike, my Lady’s concupiscible power,
When she is good, arises delight, desire mirth and pleasure,
Its absence shows horror, loath, sadness, and grief a withered flower
Soft delight, peaceful face, crooning lips my Lady’s treasure,
Most secret, most hidden, in willful ocean like gem in snail,
How drops turn into gem rain none knows the secret of nature
None knows when will be gem rain, falls from the azure sky,
Just like my Lady’s love and anger is a master piece of literature,
As all over the world is famous birds chirping Maldive’s dale,
Someday will be my sweety our love the part of fairy tale,
None knows when and where will be our bodies together lie
My Swan when your irascible power awakes in night or day,
It turns to revenge injure or injured, recalls past sullen days,
Red and white, blue and pink, symbolizes your childhood fray,
When you walk in moonlit enhancing your literacy craze,
When irascible power cause be anger, from it eleven fumes flows,
Unseen but with being, sit on the proper cute facial place,
And adds beauty charm, from top to toe my cute, cute Swan
Love, desire, joy in eyes, hate heart none can it trace
Anger, horror, joy, despair, always sit on your pretty nose,
But hope and boldness rests on cheeks in a stylish pose,
I see in my trance sitting happily in my ladylove’s lawn

12. Ode to Goodnight
A few ponder on earth over the system of four seasons,
Jovial spring, sad autumn, delightful winter fruitful summer
No eye weeps when says farewell to autumn fail all reasons,
But flowers and tree wither due to see off, but afraid of new comer,
Petals, leaves and fruits all die slowly; it is due to farewell,
Winter bites, confines men and animal in four walls,
Though freeze, emotions die, and feelings all night tease,
In arteries and veins disturb, my mind and soul calls,
My mourning heart tries to come out of this memory hell,
All my senses, my memories, my feelings with like desert trees
My hearts pains, my eyes seep, and my all senses fail,
When you say, ’Good Night’ with loveless heart and sullen face,
Tears fall on my cheeks, and you sleep gladly in dream dale,
Words pierce my heart and soul in lone, O Lady more sensitive case,
Your stop talking and saying goodbye gives me everlasting pain,
Of Adam and Eve who said farewell Eden in mournful mood,
Who disobeyed Adam or Eve; none knows who was wrong,
Their love fails reaching on earth, my Swan with me not rude,
I am collecting grief on earth in search of love grain,
Spreading on the muddy ground, my feet go into my try in vain,
Your echo all around me, my heart and soul weak not strong,
I wonder how my sweet love turns into bitter love and tart,
I can do nothing but weep putting my face on pillow all night,
I see angels consoling me, my love and being on earth all alone,
Drowning in the sea of sleep, her sweet, sweet woes my bite,
Her memories make me sad; love bites my soul in gloom,
My body numbs with sadness, her grief makes me mad,
My sweet love happy with sleep, leaves me in goodnight hell,
Who sees the face of morn and jungle rose and comely lad,
But my beloved forgetting me, sleeping in her cozy room,
Her seep her heaven, but for lover it is a day of doom,
My Swan’s love causes my death yea, me her sleep deities tell,
All busy, the stars twinkling, the moon shining for fruits and flowers,
Night birds collecting food and prey, for their sleeping bambinos,
Larks singing over the sea, and sad eagles sitting on high towers,
Their eyes busy searching preys, crocodiles playing on ooze,
Lovers busy making revelry, I sitting all alone on the shore,
The sinking moon in sea surfs, sharks busy diving in waves,
The aqua makes circle within the circle, running all over the sea,
Kids playing with ferry boats ignoring moms , my hearts craves,
For talking someone but all busy working I do insist no more,
I see all sight with weeping eyes, remind me of love of yore,
When love ruled heart and soul, people welcome guests gladly.
All busy, just like my Lady busy dining with cousins and aunt
Chairs, table, dinner supply, walking, talking ignoring my being,
Like birds chirping all night while talking mild, mild taunt,
Before sleeping talking bath, night dress and for sleeping fleeing,
Here bites me solitude, eyes count stars all night awake,
Like on duty night watcher, pillow wets slowly, slowly with tears,
Shining dress, finger rings, light red lips, and glowing cheeks,
When I see this sight in trance, my moaning heart full of fears,
Lest she should forget me like merman and melt like flake
In the din of merry woman’s heart weak, come back for my sake,
I weep alone all night, absence makes a mo many a weeks.
All busy, I myself busy weeping on her absence shrine,
And I lit the tear-candle on dusk, woes shine like spark,
And prays to her sleep deity to recall me when she does dine,
O cute fingers when you morsel, mix my love in dark,
O cold water mix my tears in it when does she you drink,
O teeth, chew not until my love is mixed in it and O tongue,
Not to give taste until my glee is mixed in it and my heart,
Remind her of my love, let not her sleep she is still young,
O bed, o soft pillow give her no rest, rest at a wink,
Alas! In this woeful cool night my moaning heart does sink,
In the sea of remote pleasure, woe and grief, It is my love part?
14. Ode to My Ladylove’s Birthday
O Angels of Heaven, come on earth with brightly heavenly clothes,
O Birds of Paradise, sing sweet, sweet songs, all pixies you do come,
At my Lady’s home with heavenly gifts and with solemn oaths,
Colored candles are burning here, no earthly being, all faces winsome,
Bring Eden rose garlands and bracelets of heavenly flowers, come soon,
All heavenly beings have come, no earthly being in it taking part,
Unveil heavenly beauty, open hair, sing and make heavenly dance,
Angels: the singers, dim lights of candles, earthly being’s breaking heart
The sight, a touching sight, dim lights, heavenly faces, slow music tune,
Murmur of the wings and clothes, God’s sent heavenly boon,
Angels, pixies and goddesses participate, the day glory to enhance,
Let no earthly being enter, let heavenly curtains fall all around,
Decorate birth-day chair, set the golden table for my Lady Sara,
Set the cake on the birth-day table, o pixy spread wings on ground,
How cute looks my Lady, ah! Wearing heavenly colored tiara,
The cake was cut the clapping if heavenly beings, with pixy knife,
Made from Manna and Honey, never taste it any earthly tongue,
Pixies and huris sing and dance, around my Lady’s golden chair,
A heavenly sight on earth and all heavenly beings were young,
Before flying they leave blessings, and all pray for Lady’s life
May her life safe and sound on earth and always free of strife,
We pray for your life be full of blessings and with you our care
At the end, heavenly wine was served all of them turn by turn
Then my Lady thanked for coming with gift heavenly being,
All were happy with my Lady who succeeds admiration to earn
But they said, wishes more and life short, and our years are fleeing,
Flying to heaven all said we shall all join your holy marriage regale,
With heavenly blessings and cares, we shall drink you milk of paradise,
In a heavenly golden pot, that will give on earth forever delight,
And will be happy on your next year marriage all azure skies,
And pray for you holy fathers, and all earthly guests hail
To enhance your wedding-feast standing in an attractive trail,
We see falling on your head, a bright dim heavenly light.
At the end, heavenly wine was served all of them turn by turn
Then my Lady thanked for coming with gift heavenly being,
All were happy with my Lady who succeeds admiration to earn
But they said, wishes more and life short, and our years are fleeing,
Flying to heaven all said we shall all join your holy marriage regale,
With heavenly blessings and cares, we shall drink you milk of paradise,
In a heavenly golden pot, that will give on earth forever delight,
And will be happy on your next year marriage all azure skies,
And pray for you holy fathers, and all earthly guests hail
To enhance your wedding-feast standing in an attractive trail,
We see falling on your head, a bright dim heavenly light.

15. Ode to Nightingale
The queen of quietness and the princess of flowers,
You sing among the trees sitting all alone,
When you find nothing around you sing many a hours,
Knowing not what is a poor man’s groan,
Your locked throat opens always in dale,
Who listen to your notes? Flower, branches and trees,
What you sing none knows but voice full of sorrow
May be flowers judge your notes more than a man
Your locked throat unlocks in cool breeze,
I listen today your voice and will listen tomorrow,
But all sad men and women your voice fan
Listening to your winsome voice I do recall,
My Lady’s mood sleeping on her cozy bed,
Your charm full voice sleeps her I rise and fall,
Her negligence bows me down all day tears shed,
She sleep upsides down listening to your charming voice,
She is fond of your notes I curse your fairy song,
Leave her home-tree anon and go in a dale,
And spread sorrows there I do not like your noise,
Sing in the palace tree, and awake sleeping throng,
Among the trees sing o my poor nightingale
Your: charm full you sing always unseen
Discreet: the secret of charm, you know it well,
Therefore you sing among the trees all green,
Your throat locks if you hear poor’s groan,
Just like my Swan free of woe, full of pleasure,
Sleep: her nightingale, sleep her night charm,
You teach my Ladylove always sing and sleep,
All visits all fairy lands in sleeping in leisure,
And night dreams keep her all day warm,
You teach her sleeping and let the lover weep.

16. Ode to the Twinkling Stars
I ponder over the twinkling stars the whole yester night,
All happy playing with the shining moon hide and seek,
And spreading all round the sky dim glowing light,
I saw the same sight again that I saw the last week,
Asking the cause of the pleasure, said the one little star,
We see the moon sleeping on the earth on her bed,
Cute pony, pink lips, red nails, glowing and sleepy eyes,
Looks like a Huri sleeps but away from you far,
Hidden from your eyes, her gimps above your head,
Looking at this earthly happy are all the skies
If I were the bright moon, shines on your pink breast,
If I were a cool breeze, crossing touching your soft cheek,
If I were a hair-flower, I do take rest on your chest,
If I were a red ring, wears your soft finger meek,
But I neither moon nor breeze, nor hair-flower by a sad bard,
Thinks always in lone the stars enjoy my Lady’s grace,
My tantalizing heart cries, eyes weep with blood tears,
But my Swan away from me, love grief bearing hard,
The stars shine, no woe, my Lady sleeps, no woe, I abase,
All loveless day and night O Lady I have to face
The stars more auspicious than me enjoy your beauty glaze,
From the skies and see your cute, cute, smiling face,
I weep here and see the stars mocking at me with rays,
And dimple on your cheeks boosting your grace,
I, curse you, weep, in your love and delusive hopes,
Spend my life in dreams painful my poor soul,
Injures from the thorn of love, woes cry for aid
When I see the stars laughing, my poor heart mopes,
And fall senseless on the thorns of love and a yowl,
Heart bleeds , soul injures, more love price I paid

17. Ode to a Sparrow Couple
Yester morn I saw a sparrow couple sitting on a tree,
Fighting in the air, sometimes on the branch,
An attractive seen of fight, alas! I was in hurry,
Beak to beak fight, as The Romans Troy Launch,
While fighting chirping, babbling, and gabbling in air,
Their issues in the nest crying for water and food,
But they busy fighting, in erotic moon in cool air drift,
At last they sat on high branches finishing fight love affair,
In a twinkling of eye I saw them in amorous mood,
Tongue to tongue caressing finishing their love rift
Looking at this erotic fight I remind of my Swan’s combat,
Of yester night in display mood fight of words and phrase,
The whole night war with me, at the compassionate,
Then her ogling anger on nose, love in eyes I amaze,
Her composed mind, her merciful eyes, her humble tongue,
I see her in dim moon light, looking a pixy of pixy land,
Red lips, colored nails, pink ring in finger and floating hair,
Touching knees, her tights, her T shirt body clung,
Her eyes shining as in the light dim light of moon, sand,
Of Norway beach, I cannot forget my Swan’s pretty care
O My Lady, O My Rose, love does never turn into hate,
Our love is special, unseen love its foundation is care,
Our love is full of love, trust, faith and makes our love great,
Fighting in love balances trust, and on me my Lady’s glare,
Like sparrow we do fight and anger forget soon,
My affection, swan’s passion, our never ending love,
Seen in flowers, in petals, in dove and in singing nightingale,
In summer days, our pious love starts in June,
More deep than the depth of sea, O My Ladylove,
All angels of heaven on earth our pious love do hail

18. Ode to Willful Love
I smell pride glimpse in your last pretty word “go”
It saddens my heart and soul it slains my being,
And my love dies with you, cruel, my love killer, Lo,
Our trust bond is broken, a doubt witch I am seeing,
Your changing mood that exposes what you think in lone,
My Sweet Lady, you leave me, but my words keep in mind,
And lock them in memory box. “Love is desire, the world, illusion”
To find a soul mate, but none to love you as flesh to bone,
Greed breaks trust cord, experience reveals, none to you kind,
I do find your true love here but it proves later delusion,
Recall one day you said, “Would that our love prosper on earth
Forever.” But my sweet Lady, what words are: soul power carrier,
Words expose secret conscious, words paint what you got on birth,
Greed cuts off soul link to soul and it is love main barrier,
Days will pass yours and mine, O Lady Days are flying,
Like flakes in high sky, none knows where they will “go”
But I know, you know we are surely going to utter ruin,
We change our intentions daily but our words are spying
Both, but looking glass show our face and will do not show,
All wise men know trust, hidden in words but not loon,
O sweet Lady, trust God’s blessings, trust: dignity of human life,
Trust synthetic cord of love, nut mistrust; enemy of love and mankind,
Trust; men’s and women’s soul property and its absence strife,
Trust; God’s and Adam’s link, and love to love it does bind,
You forget me, your right, but when the second love forgets you,
Come to me, sweet Lady, I will take you as you were the first
When this cruel and callous world leaves you, come to me,
When you have gathered in your heart grief and love woe,
Come to me I will give you pleasure, will restore your trust,
Will remind you my love, pious love, think, when you be free

18. Ode to Willful Love
I smell pride glimpse in your last pretty word “go”
It saddens my heart and soul it slains my being,
And my love dies with you, cruel, my love killer, Lo,
Our trust bond is broken, a doubt witch I am seeing,
Your changing mood that exposes what you think in lone,
My Sweet Lady, you leave me, but my words keep in mind,
And lock them in memory box. “Love is desire, the world, illusion”
To find a soul mate, but none to love you as flesh to bone,
Greed breaks trust cord, experience reveals, none to you kind,
I do find your true love here but it proves later delusion,
Recall one day you said, “Would that our love prosper on earth
Forever.” But my sweet Lady, what words are: soul power carrier,
Words expose secret conscious, words paint what you got on birth,
Greed cuts off soul link to soul and it is love main barrier,
Days will pass yours and mine, O Lady Days are flying,
Like flakes in high sky, none knows where they will “go”
But I know, you know we are surely going to utter ruin,
We change our intentions daily but our words are spying
Both, but looking glass show our face and will do not show,
All wise men know trust, hidden in words but not loon,
O sweet Lady, trust God’s blessings, trust: dignity of human life,
Trust synthetic cord of love, nut mistrust; enemy of love and mankind,
Trust; men’s and women’s soul property and its absence strife,
Trust; God’s and Adam’s link, and love to love it does bind,
You forget me, your right, but when the second love forgets you,
Come to me, sweet Lady, I will take you as you were the first
When this cruel and callous world leaves you, come to me,
When you have gathered in your heart grief and love woe,
Come to me I will give you pleasure, will restore your trust,
Will remind you my love, pious love, think, when you be free

19. Ode to the Eagle Tamer
I see an unseen cord between an eagle and its tamer,
I could not spy it with mundane eyes, really at all
I try most to see it, but failing efforts like a gamer,
In games loosing trust in judgment, and then sure fall
I wonder the eagle comes back to its owner with a chase,
And out before his owner taking prey in his toes,
And exposes his glee shouting and flapping his wings,
And sits on the tamer’s hand, releasing his astral rays,
Looking in his victory style, I wonder and amaze,
And wearing in his paws colored trust rings
I wonder and think why the eagle comes back by and by,
I think and think but fail, just a point comes in mind,
In the jungle shady tree I do peacefully spy,
What is middle point that both of them do bind
Then I unlock my third eye, and saw golden unseen cord,
Glimmering in the sky, more thin than hair, but strong like a rod,
Made of Astral Light, a synthetic essence of our purer soul
The foolish cannot see it, wise men keep in vision hoard,
And all great and small earthly things watch like God,
Nothing in the world, but rays travel north to South Pole
O my Swan, love nothing, its unseen cord is Astral Light,
That binds each object of earth, binds men to beast,
Where the cord is missing darkness will be there no light,
What is Astral Light? Trust light, you must know at least,
The miracle of astral light, trust that binds willful love trends,
Of our random thoughts, roaming doubt vales veiling,
In different shapes, as human beings’ wishes roam in mart,
The eagle will come to the tamer, nothing but trust, my friends,
It is absence from our soul in body dusk prevailing
Trust is success, trust heaven key; trust God’s the first part

20. Ode to the Cuckoo
O Cuckoo! You sing for early morn sitting in my home tree,
I am wont to listening to your charming voice in morn,
It prolongs my rest, it makes my sad heart happy in worry,
It is spring, your voice in the full swing, I your voice adorn,
You leave your nest in search of grain for two little issues,
And comes at noon to feed them with her little bill,
Then goes back and comes back to look after her hungry chaps,
Now they are grown up and their little wings they will use,
In search of food on earth, in trees, or on a high hill,
And both have learnt the art of how to avoid traps
Autumn is ahead, I am afraid of its coming, ask, why?
It will finish the leaves and make your little nest bald,
No shade for you and your kiddies, and in vain your try,
You will need on earth, for your safety, a fort walled,
I do not know when you will go leaving me all alone,
In which your dwelling, or far away from my home,
Or beyond the sea, where there will be lush green trees,
But next I will not be able to listen to your lovely tone,
Listening to your voice in bushes, in trees, I will roam,
In search of you, when there will be spring, as on shore geese
My fears prove true; you left me alone like my lovely Rose,
Though there was no autumn in heart, love tree loaded with leaves,
Full of promise fruits, ripped and un-ripped, hanging in different pose
Of love and of bill and coo….but your absence me grieves,
Ah! What is promise? Nothing but woman’s lips wrapping in smile
Of silky cheeks, beaming lips and deceptive eyes, love gift,
For the lovers, who receive them gladly in park and hotels,
A promise to live each other for forever, but intention vile,
The next day will be with other, the deceptive love second shift,
Of bill and coo with new dress and vigor, Ah! Avoid cheeky bells

21. Ode to Jumeirah Beech
I have come again on your sand among the bikinis and Devas
Playing in the blue gleeful waves, wet floating hair in airs,
Laughing faces around me, goading and ogling without pause,
Eyes embracing eyes, lips embracing lips, old and new affairs,
The waves erased the foot marks of Lady’s blonde feet,
But fresh in my memory, cannot be effaced by time and space,
Time comes and goes but time in memory does not change
Same for all times like beyond the skies, I do great,
O Beech! Rubbing my Lady’s prints you dimmed her grace
Alas! I cannot on your sand any new love meeting arrange
She leaves me on woe thorns, heart bleeding and trembling feet
Eyes surveying for like her face but no one like my Lady,
Cuter faces I see there, but all smiling eyes deceit,
The new comers sitting with faithless eyes under trees, shady,
Beech birds happy, flying over the waves but I was sad,
Like a dying swan who unlocks, locked throat near death,
In sad voice says goodbye and welcomes other new state,
Like Sphinx burning turning into ash a new birth in glad,
Flapping her wings in glee pondering over her new birth
The Sphinx lives single throughout life without a mate,
Jumeirah Beech I will never, never see you in lone again,
Because reaching here I remind of my Lady’s foot marks,
Her laughing and kissing with me sitting on the main,
My heart weeps bitterly and you kindle my love sparks,
My past happy days, full of love, present full of weal and woe,
My Swan not with me here, Flew away to other shore,
In search of new love, across the sea in a new love vale,
With a new mate who meet her in dream to make bill and coo,
And leaves me here in sorrows and suffering more,
Weeping in her memories, all night it does my face pale

22. Ode to Phoenix
Phoenix: adopted child of the sun, present since his creation,
Shimmering your feathers, golden bright and dazzling look,
Made of fire, dwelling in desert, the sun and your strong relation,
You will live forever on earth, God has written in life book,
Looking at your beauty, the adopted child of sun prays for you,
In these words; “You will live forever on earth.” my adopted son,
The Phoenix said, “I shall sing a song for you all alone.” In vales
Feeling tired living there, he flew to East; the sun rising place, woe
Starts for Phoenix, Years passed and Phoenix old, to be young his yearn
“Sun, glorious sun, make me young and strong again.” Old age prevails
He ignored his voice, feeling sad he flew to his real birth place,
Crossing mountains, vales and seas, collecting myrrh, gum and cinnamon,
To make her nest, in it he lays a golden egg and sings on palm face
“Sun, glorious sun, make me young and strong again.” In fine tone
At that time the sun heard voice, a flame reached in his golden nest,
Nothing damages, but from Phoenix ash a new phoenix comes out,
Flapping his golden wings young and strong on the cinnamon barks,
And flew from there reaches in the desert just to take rest,
And sang; “I shall sing a song for you all alone.” And does shout
Then leaves the palm for a long journey crossing flying larks,
O Phoenix, you, fed up with the sun, and my Lady, fed up with me,
Ah! You flew to his dwelling place, alas! But where shall I dwell?
You made a nest on the palm tree, but I am in great, great worry,
Looking at all around me sorrows and sufferings, all earth is hell,
The sun heard your, pray, but my lovely Lady listen to me not
Talking to her turns her face, and throws my poor hands away
You sang for the sun, while I sing in verse my Lady’s praise,
Me seems, a doubt-which has made against me a lurking plot,
You may cross high mountains and hills, but over not my sway,
Alas! She looks at me with killing eyes and sends anger rays

23. Ode to Canary
O sole bird with little cute wings, living in pair , Canary!,
Your voice, enchanting, dawn chorus, I, You appreciate,
You sing in lonesome, in pair beautifully like a fairy,
In pensive mood and all day and whole night to create,
The effect of joy in desert, with singing and dancing alone,
You express your sorrows and sufferings none listens to you,
And your sad winsome songs in moon light in pair,
None to watch, none to listen, you sing our moan,
Your sorrowful songs, full of woe, not bill and coo,
But alas! None to praise in desert, none to make cares,
Canary, your songs sorrowful, you know not what tears,
You sing in lone, but I do weep on my poor fate,
None listens to you, my Lady listens me not, my tears,
Appear in my poor eyes, my pains are than you great,
Loneliness bites you and me bites my sweet Rose,
We both express our sorrows in solitary dales and vales,
Where no human being, but tree, hills and water lakes,
In such place we sad and sad, but pappy primrose
When your throat tires, silent but my heart bitterly wails,
Falling in the fit of woe, falling on me white flakes
O Canary stop singing, I stop making wail and woe,
Come in my garden, none listen to you, none listen to me,
Let us befriend, both sole fans, none will make us poo,
None will hate us, and we will live here freely,
The world: full of sorrows and sufferings, gives us grief,
They ignore feelings and emotions take us as stones,
They kick us as waves to the boulders on the shore,
This cruel, callous and jealous world woe gives in brief,
Ah! My Lady heavy sorrows have melted my all bones,
At last, I will die, you be happy, give woe more and more

24. Ode to Sadness
O Sadness! Why you enter into my poor spirit like poison,
Makes my whole body tired and injured, like hot iron billy,
Bleeding every part of body, from burnt smoke rising to horizon,
Due to wail and woe dying wishes in love, my Lady, chilly.
When sensual passions awake, like growing flowers in spring time,
Until we remain in fantasy, and when we arise from dream life,
Wishes disappear like spirits listening to the voice of dawn,
O God! Life; fate slave, to follow wishes in fate world crime,
What we think, our right, what is written, none knows glee or strife,
Life realities are hard, beyond our thoughts, always haunt
Today, dim sunlight in the sky, light rain falling with cool flow,
Shining trees, flowers, birds, fluttering wings in halls,
Flying birds and swans in cool breeze, on the sea light glow,
The sky full of twittering birds, some sitting on trees some on walls
Fresh cool slides coming from heaven, touching my glorious face
Humming birds singing on tree, fascinating sight for heart and eyes
Geese, swans, ducks, seagulls, swimming in the blue water of sea,
Waves throwing snails and pearls to shore a heavenly grace,
Kids roaming on the sands with moms, their laughing cries,
Over their heads hovering larks and tiny birds freely
But I sad: before my eyes dancing, all heavenly sights,
My heart weeps, eyes throw out tears sadly a bit warm,
My Swan flew to other shore leaving me alone in day light
I saw her flying over the sea waves feeling air charm,
O Lady when heart sad, heaven turns into hell, anon
Wishes die, might fails, pain haunts my head,
Darkness before eyes, body numb and no wish to live,
Fate laughs at me sitting in the skies, fail without canon,
Warm tears fall from poor eyes, and turn into red,
Ah! What we think is refuted, fate does not ready to give

25. Ode to Raven
O Raven, you desert nightingale, and loneliness lark
With large bill and wings crying Ka, Ka, Ka sitting in trees
Ripping garbage bags taking wire coats fro nest, hark
Making made of twigs conifers like fir increasing worries
From March to May your breeding season in spring time
Tracing new areas for colonizing for black nest generation
Laying his eggs in cuckoos’ nest you cheat and deceive
Because you are wise and intelligent in committing crime
Converting this virtue in the nest black issues with elation
Collecting woods, rags and children edibles to grieve
You bold and clever from where you learnt this skill
Your nest in the tree standing in my Lady’s board
Yea, you have eaten my Rose left over, you sing her will
All grains of foods in the nest you clever hoard
Day time you guard in flocks flying around seedbed
At night you vigil in pairs to protect his black clever race
Your dark grayish plumage shines like twinkling stars
I see my Lady’s broken bangles, rags and silky thread
In your nest O Raven, you cruel steel my Lady’s grace
I request to leave your nest like alive fly to heaven in wars
O Raven, come to me and let me see in your wild eyes
My Lady’s day and night doings store in your balls
I cannot listen to her wail and woe even her cries
Come and make your nest in the lawn of my halls
Come carrying her broken bangles, leftover food in beak
Manna for me, many years have passed I have not seen
Her face, eyes, coral breast and her silky thighs
Weeping day and night makes creak on my dullest cheek
Silver in my hair, gait bowing down weeping in green
Loneliness thorns injure my body weeping with bitter sighs

25. Ode to Raven
O Raven, you desert nightingale, and loneliness lark
With large bill and wings crying Ka, Ka, Ka sitting in trees
Ripping garbage bags taking wire coats fro nest, hark
Making made of twigs conifers like fir increasing worries
From March to May your breeding season in spring time
Tracing new areas for colonizing for black nest generation
Laying his eggs in cuckoos’ nest you cheat and deceive
Because you are wise and intelligent in committing crime
Converting this virtue in the nest black issues with elation
Collecting woods, rags and children edibles to grieve
You bold and clever from where you learnt this skill
Your nest in the tree standing in my Lady’s board
Yea, you have eaten my Rose left over, you sing her will
All grains of foods in the nest you clever hoard
Day time you guard in flocks flying around seedbed
At night you vigil in pairs to protect his black clever race
Your dark grayish plumage shines like twinkling stars
I see my Lady’s broken bangles, rags and silky thread
In your nest O Raven, you cruel steel my Lady’s grace
I request to leave your nest like alive fly to heaven in wars
O Raven, come to me and let me see in your wild eyes
My Lady’s day and night doings store in your balls
I cannot listen to her wail and woe even her cries
Come and make your nest in the lawn of my halls
Come carrying her broken bangles, leftover food in beak
Manna for me, many years have passed I have not seen
Her face, eyes, coral breast and her silky thighs
Weeping day and night makes creak on my dullest cheek
Silver in my hair, gait bowing down weeping in green
Loneliness thorns injure my body weeping with bitter sighs

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