My Pray to My Respected Readers
I am walking alone among the flowers
Song 1
I am walking alone among the flowers
Having you in my love hunger eyes
But you away from me in far off land
I call out you cannot listen to my cries
If I were a cloud reaching to you swimming
Sitting on the wings of air of paradise
I feel your presence in flowers and trees
In the evening when the sun sinks love dies
Closing eyes when I sleep on my cozy bed
Your image floats on my bright eyes screen
Your cute, cute smiling face I gaze, I gaze
Blinking love light in my room red and green
Waking up early in the morn my love cries
For your love day and night I cannot sleep
When I think of you my soul does freeze
I see your pic in the glass in my eyes I weep

I will sing for you my love is true
Song 2
I will sing for you my love is true
My white swan, fly over me for shade
Parching heat of hate burning my feet
Fly over my head my love does fade
My love like swan never forgets my love
Even after death we will talk through soul
Laying in our tombs with happy hearts
Our souls will sing for love, love carol
I am dying say once I love you more
When will you unlock your locked throat?
Like swan before death you will speak
I love you in vain o my God my poor lot
When I think of you my eyes full of tears
My mourning heart weeping with sighs
None to console me I am sitting all alone
Lying on the thorn of love I fall and rise

When the sun will rise tomorrow my love
Song 3
When the sun will rise tomorrow my love
I will search for your being in pleasure vale
When the sun sets in the west I will sleep
To see you in the dream when my sense fail
Fresh air wills me where is my pretty being
Wild air will lead my steps to your cute cot
Where I will find you sleeping on the flower
But I will never awake you oh my poor lot
I will gaze you sleeping for a long time
My Helen is sleeping on the couch with calm
Birds, do not make a noise my love sleeping fast
But for my sweet lady sing sweet, sweet psalm
I will wait until you awake from sleep
I will sing a sweet song in your sure ear
That will bring to conscious you will see
You see in dream your love standing here
Song 3
When the sun will rise tomorrow my love
I will search for your being in pleasure vale
When the sun sets in the west I will sleep
To see you in the dream when my sense fail
Fresh air wills me where is my pretty being
Wild air will lead my steps to your cute cot
Where I will find you sleeping on the flower
But I will never awake you oh my poor lot
I will gaze you sleeping for a long time
My Helen is sleeping on the couch with calm
Birds, do not make a noise my love sleeping fast
But for my sweet lady sing sweet, sweet psalm
I will wait until you awake from sleep
I will sing a sweet song in your sure ear
That will bring to conscious you will see
You see in dream your love standing here

When love larks sing in swarm over the sea
Song 4
When love larks sing in swarm over the sea
Fishes stop swimming some out of ocean
Belles atop dancing their eyes full of tears
All sing over the sea love is not harmful potion
The god of love has eyes but lack of sight
Have eyes to weep but lack tongue to sing
True love not on earth but love a veil
For belles loveful a trivial thing
Listen to the song of nightingale in vale
The wail and woes of lovers in the notes
The birds listening to the song are sad
Watching the lovers’ hearts a burning port
O my love, listen to the larks sadly singing
Over the sea singing the sad lovers’ pain
The lovers’ sigh echo in the empty air
Listening to the sighs numb my brain

When I turn in lone the veil of past
Song 5
When I turn in lone the veil of past
I just see your cute smiling face
The sight reminds me of loveful days
You disappear when forward my pace
Now my soul weeps all night in lone
Your image in the yes tears on the cheeks
When I think your golden age is fleeing
Look at the face furrows and creeks
I loved a girl who left me alone forever
In the veil of sobs, sighs and moan
Now love birds laugh at me in sole
My faithless love leaves me in groan
When sad hearts weep angels mourn
All birds out of tune on my bitter dews
Shining like stars in dark and dreary night
Love is nothing but self deceit says my muse

Let us go in meads spring has come
Song 6
Let us go in meads spring has come
Roses are blooming o the younger boughs
Love birds have come to sing love songs
But seeing no lover all sit sad in rows
Let us renew our love sitting in the mead
Let us make bill and coo fresh air is blowing
Spring cuckoos are sing sitting on the trees
All around us silence our love is echoing
Once you said when spring will come
We shall set for a voyage sitting in a ferry
Will go in the sale of love forever, forever
I am waiting for you I am not marry
My broken heart pieces lying on the way
Seen by the larks stop the tender lay
Hovering over my head consoling my heart
Now in lone with my heart I alone play
Song 7
O mom, I have left all my dolls at your home
My brothers, sisters, aunts, ankles and friends
Leaving all behind with sweet sobs and sighs
I am going all alone with bitter and sweet trends
My childhood, my sports will never come back
Till my death, now my frolic youth will die soon
Falling in the marriage bond far away my town
Now in dream about my childhood I croon
O my mom do pray for me for my life ease
I am a naughty child just in your pretty eyes
Cannot forget your songs to me in cradle
All night you awoke listening to my cries
O cute, cute mom, where are childhood toys?
Gazing at the sky heart weeps eyes full of tears
O mom I have lost all joys but all in my brain
I recall them in winter when heart full of fears

When you come to see me my years have passed
Song 8
When you come to see me my years have passed
Just love will be young, and all emotions died
I am standing like a scarecrow in the field of love
All love bids know I am your memory bride
Spring comes and goes no change in my being
No pain, no woe my soul turns into a stone
My soul free of suffering and sorrow in meads
Roam like a ghost telling the birds my moan
What is love? Nothing, nothing but a self deceit
Wait, wail and woe written in the lovers’ fate
I fall in your love but poor luck me deceives
Now bone and wrinkles on my face I know late
Am sure you will come to console my love
I am waiting for you wearing black bridal dress
No sleep in my eyes but sweet, sweet dreams
When will you come in lone me to caress

My sad, sad heart weeps for you all night
Song 9
My sad, sad heart weeps for you all night
I cannot sleep in winter your love bites me
My pillow full of tears turning face to and fro
When the moon peeps through the sill worry
When I kiss my love princess in my dream
I gaze on your pic hanging on my wall
Talking to me all night do not feel fret
Me seem your pic to me slowly crawl
Let me die on the thorn of false love
I fall on the love thorns and I do bleed
Re, red blood running from my heart
She will come before my death I say indeed
My teas, my fears all melt in your wait
More bitter than death O my poor soul
Now wait for me non time has gone
Now I feel in love fate plays crucial role

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