More brave and loyal all Adam’s sons young and old
Our hands made of iron and our hearts made of gold
We all believe in God and all the prophets unseen,
We have faith in Judgment Day with whole hearts,
We sing praise of God, old, young, children and teen
We spend what we have on the poor’s needy carts
For heavenly heaven we all have our lives sold
More brave and loyal all Adam’s sons young and old
Our hands made of iron and our hearts made of gold
We want peace on earth as God and Angles want,
Yea, love key to pleasure in heaven and on earth,
Let us crush peace breaker and its helpers daunt,
With our iron hands we are heaven’s sons by birth
Our pace going to heaven, yea! Satan cannot hold
More brave and loyal all Adam’s sons young and old
Our hands made of iron and our hearts made of gold
We all are the growing branches of Adam and Eve,
We all believe in God and all Prophets’ teachings fair
The sacred message of God, just the Prophets receive,
We all must the prophets‘teachings everywhere care,
All Adam’s sons and daughters are brave and bold
More brave and loyal all Adam’s sons young and old
Our hands made of iron and our hearts made of gold
Let us all start love and do forget friends and foes,
Let us make an Eden on earth for our future race,
And sow in our hearts’ garden love full lovely rose
Love spreading wills enhance in heaven man’s grace
Why our golden hearts are void of love and cold
More brave and loyal all Adam’s sons young and old
Our hands made of iron and our hearts made of gold
Rethink the sons of Adam we are to leave the place,
Yea! Our days are counted and forget this bare truth,
We do forget love and kindness flying in the space,
Our hearts are void of love and our eyes void of ruth
Let us sing the praise of God hell into heaven mould
More brave and loyal all Adam’s sons young and old
Our hands made of iron and our hearts made of gold

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